Gisel Florez, "Inner Space of Touch," Interactive NFT
Pierre Gervois, "The Delicate Things"
Nucara, "MONKY Mint Gold Dust"
Giant Swan, "Metamorphosis"


Photo Courtesy of the Artist

Since ancient times, graffiti has been a way for people to express themselves and make their mark on the world in a world that would prefer them to be silent. It’s a declaration of oneself, a sign that says, “I was here.”

“Graffiti is our modern day hieroglyphics telling the past, the future, but most important, the present day story without a political media spin but with a grassroots version of our present day lives. If we don’t document this work on chain then we are erasing a large part of our history that some believe is not worthy of historical study.” – Mint Gold Dust Founder and CEO Kelly LeValley Hunt

At the end of last year, we caught up with graffiti artist Curve to discuss his latest NFT Graffiti works on Mint Gold Dust and his thoughts on blockchain technology. Check out some of our interview with him below.

The Curvazoid, "Chromatic Curve"

In your own words, why do you think NFTs are a good medium for graffiti writers?

From my understanding NFTs allow artists to have ownership of their work. Graffiti has been co-opted, exploited, and straight up stolen, and NFTs can create opportunities for graffiti artists to profit from their work on their own terms. It can also allow writers to keep their anonymity, which is very important for some.

Would you say that the disruption that decentralization and NFTs bring is attractive to you and other writers?

In part yes, because it’s new and exciting. Although I cannot say that I completely understand it. I think graffiti grew alongside other disruptive and anti-establishment movements, so there is definitely a lineage there.

Tell us a bit about your AR NFT pieces. How do you see this technology being a solution for writers and taggers?

The concept behind my AR NFT pieces is about the dilemma of seeing graffiti digitally versus the real world. The environments where graffiti exists are intrinsically tied to the process of making it and the aesthetics of said graffiti. The experience of viewing it outside, in person, and in the elements where it was created, are an important part of how graffiti grows, expands, and holds its power. I don’t seek to change or reinvent graffiti in a digital space. Since that is our current reality and affects so much of how we interact with one another, I seek to comment on this with my graffiti. I see the current technology as providing new avenues for writers to keep doing what they’ve always been doing; Getting Up.


Breezy Curation at NFT NYC

Mint Gold Dust curator Eleonora Brizi was in Paris last week to celebrate and exhibit at NFT Paris.

On this week’s episode of the podcast, she shares with us her takeaways and her positive outlook on the coming year in the world of NFTs.

Check out last week’s edition of 79Au here where we interview artist Iovi Sacra Art and revisit our podcast with the co-founders of Illust Space to talk all things AR.